5 More Days : Countdown To A Big Change

From 9 more days to 5; yes, for my tight schedule, I missed 3 days of my countdown. But I have so many to share on what had happened on that particular 3 days !
Today, I am simply feeling awesome, and cannot wait for my last day to arrive. I am still not regretting this decision.
It is not about I hate my current workplace. It is all about imagining the freedom that I will get. The freedom of doing things that I like and for myself, the freedom of time (I have so many things that I need to settle), as well as to spend my days thinking on my future. It is not about partying ! LOL. Partying in this sense means enjoying my freedom.
On the 8th countdown, I was actually away conducting a full day motivational course for colleagues at the workplace. That was my last training here. After this, I can see myself going out and share knowledge to a lot more corporate companies.
It was a day full of enjoyment. Participants rated my programme excellently (many thanks for this ! I am so touched !). In a way, I managed to identify where I stand as a Trainer. I am more than ready to step out and help in motivating and developing others.
I, too, always find the 'stage' as my place. Those days when I was a performer, I tend to get nervous each time before performing, but forgot about everything but giving the best once I was on the stage. While other people fear public speaking and presentation, I find it quite disturbing too; until I stood in front of the class, the day becomes mine. I realized, being on the 'stage' is where I always belong.
And TALK. I just love to talk when I have the opportunity. I enjoy story telling. I am very thankful that my previous participants enjoyed my method.
I believe in sharing real life experience in relating to each individuals. There comes the sincerity and honesty.
I am fully satisfied with what happened that day, and will continue contributing to the learning and development of people even after I leave this current workplace.
So, what happened on the 7th countdown ? I had a major attack of plantar fasciitis. Very few who know that I am suffering from a heel problem called that. I take it as a consequence from my overly-active performances years ago. I end up having this trouble of tissue exhaustion. I have been going to the hospital for 2 years consecutively. I had the pain killers, MRI scan, ultra sound, x-rays and you name it - just at the end to know that only steroid jab would help. I have been taking the jabs for 2 years where each lasted only about 7-8 months, and the pain would come again. Once, I even experienced riding on the wheelchair after taking that extremely painful jab.
My condition was not that bad anymore when I started consuming stem cell. Since I have to stop taking it due to the unavailability of the stock, the pain starting to come again.
I had a bad attack on that day after standing too long during my class the day before.
I rested at home. I did not only rest, but I did a lot of thinking. I did the countdown at home. I felt nothing more but satisfaction. I certainly have my own sets of problems when I decided to leave this job. I already have a list of upcoming problems. However, I identified on this rest day of mine that I am now calmer. I still believe that things will turn out just right. I truly have faith on God. I am very sure that he will help me no matter what. And I am definitely grateful for not experiencing the stress but only happiness and satisfaction, along with respecting my own self and my own decisions. I told myself that I am just pursuing my dreams, holding on them, and that's all. I am very sure He sees my good intentions, thus He will help.
Additionally, back to my heel problem; I certainly know that I need to do something about it. If I am to be very busy with my business or whatever jobs that I will undertake after this, health is the number one thing. I was thinking about purchasing the stem cell again but a different brand. I realized that health is super important. I don't forget to ask for a good health in my prayers.
Minus weekend, and this was what happened on my 6th countdown : Do you remember about the interview that I mentioned earlier ? So it was that day, a meeting with someone I admire. They called it a chit chat session instead of an interview because I did not apply for a specific position. They wanted to meet me to get to know me better (my guess), and of course, to identify the whys about my application.
The first thing that I learned about the whole session was about being humble. Meeting someone that well-known and established, I can say that I felt 'safe'. That person has all it takes to be a humble public figure and a respectful leader. He is a very humble and simple guy, but yet very charismatic. In a way, I was half nervous half comfortable. The visit was indeed very welcoming.
Where interviewing techniques is concern, he has quite an impressive skill. Those were easy going questions but I realized that through the questions he would get to know what kind of person I am. Deep inside my heart I was praising him for this skill - something that I can learn from.
We had a lot of so-called 'character-reading' moments, and half of that session consisted of personal inclined questions. He showed interests on my family tree - which surprisingly, he became the one who told me more about my family tree since I myself did not know much !
One if the important moments that happened during the interview was the expected question - "Why did you make such a drastic decision (quitting the job) ?". Since I have shared with him in my email application about me leaving the job, I emphasized it clearer that I simply feel that this year is the year that I need to make a big change. Of course, with some other factors as well, but I shared with him about dreams, responsibilities towards own self and family, and about what's coming up next in life - death and future.
Age is catching up, and if things didn't work out through the same path, it is simply a clear sign that I need to try a different path. I will not waste time and age again. And I keep saying, "What if I die tomorrow?". True enough, what if we die tomorrow with so many things not achieved ?
I am very convinced that he understands what I was trying to say, because at the end he concluded me as a good planner. I don't see it as a wrong thing in sharing about the truth on what I feel and how I look at life today and after. For me, I have set my mind that if he understood it, good. If he didn't, too bad. My focus was just about being myself. Thank God he understands. I will, if asked again and again, repeat this same answer, because this is the only reason why I leave the zone I am in today.
The overall thing about this meeting is, I learned that no matter who you are, the act of humbleness would make people remember you. You gain respects and kindness.
While on my side as the interviewee, I am still holding to the principle that I must be who I am. Honesty is the key, other than the effort of creating the first best impression. I never mind answering questions wittily if I need to be myself. Since it was also a more casual type of an interview, I felt more comfortable answering in casual ways too. I found myself opened up more too. I felt more secure to give my piece of mind. As someone humble, he digested my answers well too, even though some might sounded too deep and melancholic one's forehead could have frowned a little.
I gained compliments over my strong resume and my Islamic background, and I couldn't be more grateful. I don't mind if he doesn't have a suitable position for me, but the way the interview was handled by him and the way I navigated it gave a lot of meanings to me. And of course, by believing that you would get the calls and yet it happened; it is simply inspiring ! The meeting itself is enough to make me feel thankful to the maximum. I am perhaps among 1 : 100 that had such opportunity.
Today makes the countdown to 5 more days. I can't help saying that I can't wait for the last day to arrive ! I have so many things that need to be done !
People have been mentioning that I look glowing, radiant and calm despite the difficulties that waiting for me down the road. What else can I do ? I know what I want, and I have made my choice and decision - so the only remaining thing that left as an option is to just move on.
Problems are there - but what choices do I have, anyway ? I take all of the consequences.
The other way that makes me feel good is to make me feel good - don't get it ? It means, I am celebrating every moments and being grateful for every single things other than focusing on the upcoming problems.
The one way I did was to did some shopping and grooming. I make me look better. I changed the way I dress. I am definitely feeling more confident and I am loving myself more and more.
Often we forget to credit ourselves and give ourselves a pat at the back. It is just not wrong to focus on ourselves. When we love ourselves more, every other things in the world would start loving us too.