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11 More Days : Countdown To A Big Change

11 more days to my last day at my current workplace. I am still into the countdown, and I find it very motivating.

So today, these are how I feel - it is all about dreaming, believing, and have faith on Him.



The day I started the countdown, and completed the writing, I found myself feeling super good. I felt extremely happy and motivated. I was so sure that this decision remains the most right decision I've ever made in my life.

Having the thought that I will have more time to do what I need to do, and for those I love; it excites me more moving towards the last day.


On the same day after I completed the writing, I received a call - the most desired call, which I expected and wanted but was not really hoping to received. I kept on telling myself that if God allows it, I would, no matter how, would receive the call.

It is a call for a so-called casual interview. I had sent a job application to one of my idol - yup - someone famous and established, who owns his own agency which is more towards Islamic concept.

I have been wanting to work in an Islamic culture environment. I have been considering on applying jobs to these companies, including his. I told myself, "I'm going to text him in IG", but I didn't do it till I have the strong feeling from God to push me to do it.

....which, I finally did, spontaneously. Out of my expectation, he replied quite immediate, and required my details. Again, I did not send in my application immediately. The "voice" was not there. The next day, I found him following my IG. Then, I told myself, "OK, it's a sign that this is a right thing to do, and you better send him your application soon !". I then did, on the third day since we had the communication.

Quite immediate too, he responded to my application, by saying that by God's will, he will prompt me back. I like the idea. Yes, by God's will. By God's will, I was moved to text him. By His will too, he responded. It is simply nice to know that definitely by His will too, he will get back to me.

I was being honest. I told him that I'm currently serving notice, and my last day would be early August. I am also starting my own business, but over all that, I have a wish I really want to fulfill, which is being a true Muslimah and Solehah. By working in a correct environment, I trust I would be able to transform or hijrah. I need a pillar. I believe he understands it, as he has also gone through the process of hijrah.

To me, I didn't mind being honest, and I do not mind what's in his head. He could probably thinking, "what on earth this lady is talking about ?", or he would probably thinking it was just a trick as everyone wants to be near to well-known figures. So, by being honest, I trust he would feel what I feel. I also did share with him that my act (texted him out of the blue) was genuinely spontaneous. I didn't even care if he replied or not. I did what I did because God gave me the answer and movements in my heart. I simply followed my heart.

Weeks after that, I was somehow hoping that he would deliver me a good news, but at the same time I motivated myself that if he doesn't, it means I have to try at other places. As simple as that.

I kind of letting go this "job" already.

Until that mentioned day, I received series of calls from an unknown number, and saw a whatsapp text from a lady. She, on behalf of I shall say, her boss, texted me to make an appointment ! She highlighted that it's not an interview and she has no idea what position I am applying, but she simply got my number from him as well as the instruction to call me and make an appointment.

I was so happy I jumped around in my office !

For awhile when sanity has came back to my brain, I had a deep thought until I went to bed that night. It's a reward for being patience, and believing that things would turn up just nice.

The meeting will be in few days time, but other than feeling the excitement, I do not forget to pull myself back to the ground again. I told myself that by God's will, He will have something for me in that agency. If He doesn't, then I will take the meeting as an invaluable experience which not everyone would experience in daily basis. I will also remember his kindness for having me in his mind and consider my application. It is not about working next to next to a public figure, but my intention is to be closed to Allah S.W.T with support from the right environment and people.

And again, having faith on Him, having the right intention, and believe on my dream are what it takes to received this call. I didn't say these in words that much. I have them in my mind and my heart. I just knew that something great was about to happen.

And I am definitely sure that He can make and change things in just seconds. Knowing the fact that I only have less than 2 weeks before I technically go jobless and have only my business to hope on, I believe that if He can make and change things in just one second, He obviously can do the same in less than a week. That's a key to my unworried.

I am truly happy not only because of this coming appointment. Well, yes, I.AM.HAPPY, but my true happiness lies on how my faith on Him gives so much differences. I am happy to know that no matter what, He will help. He's there. He understands. I no longer have reasons to be worried of world matters.

And guess what ? I know I don't make a wrong decision because I have right intentions. And I am happily counting my days even though I don't know what's there for me in the future.


The same key, to have FAITH, and to BELIEVE in your dreams - work the same for my family. We have series of good things coming to us too ! We have properties to sell, investments, and I can say that He has turned things upside down for us - just that it's turning really upwards !

If one knows our story, he/she would have probably think that it doesn't make sense. But being me and my mother, we are the sentimental people. We believe in what's within than what's in the surface. No such things as impossibles because He has the power.

In relation to my status, this would definitely support my intentions. By His will, I will not have to think about working again ! We will have a total freedom of all life aspects !


Today is all about recapping how things work perfectly when you dream well, believe, and of course, have faith in Him. The feeling is just so beautiful. To know that He is 'there', loving us, helping us - why would we want to worry ?

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