Please Save Me

I am very sure that each one of us has at least once in our lives praying and hoping for 'someone' and/or 'something" to save US from our unhappiness. It is like unlocking us from a prison.
We have unpleasant situations, and like a fairy tale, we dream and hope that someone or something will soon take us out from there and then live happily ever after. Well, fairy tales remain as fairy tales, but aren't they very inspiring and motivating ?
It may sound weak to some, but I find this attitude very bold and motivating. If you can't be truthful to yourself about requiring someone or something to save you and take you out from wherever you are stuck at - there's no way of working that on your own.
Being honest and truthful to ourselves are reflections on how others would treat us out there. We are Human. We cannot live alone. We need each other.
Let's look at where you are stuck at, and in what ways you want someone or something to save you.
Do not question WHY you are stuck, as that is an unhealthy action to take by bringing yourself back to the past and regret a lot. It is fine to look back to reflect, but not to regret.
Where are you stuck at ?
Is it financially, relationship, career, marriage, you as a human being ? Sit and reflect this to get the answer. Separate this into categories if you must (and have too many).
How you want to be saved ?
Is it through advises ? A divorce ? A counselor ? A long holiday ?
Knowing your concerns/problems is the key to find the solutions. Even deciding on the solutions requires honesty, along with bold actions. And this could be ANYTHING and in ANY WAYS. No rules and regulations.
Allow me to share a clear example of mine :
(I have too many so I have to list them separately) Where am I stuck at ? :
My previous marriage.
Financial/always low salary.
Jobs which are not my passion.
MY MOST IMPORTANTLY : not growing as a pious Muslimah.
Now, look into the situations deeply by analyzing the truth about what's bothering you. In my case :
My previous marriage - I was married to someone who makes a better friend than a husband. We were totally different in a lot of things. We have different principles in life. We have different goals. We were living by days, not moving anywhere to make changes in life. We were religiously poor.
Financial/always low salary - I've been working for 15 years with the same range of salary. I always don't have enough. What's left are often just for survival. I couldn't even afford to give my own mother monthly pocket money consistently. I tried leaving jobs so many times but ended up working 9-5 again. I was afraid of the financial instability.
Jobs which are not my passion - I got stuck in a 9-5 job doing things for other people.
MY MOST IMPORTANTLY : not growing as a pious Muslimah - At this age, I am still dissatisfied with my performances for Allah s.w.t. I want to go Mecca. I want to be surrounded by pious people whom can guide me to the right way.
Finally, after understanding your actual worries, it's time to make some wishes and dream. In my case :
My previous marriage
PLEASE SAVE ME : That someone/something that saved me from my marriage was myself. The Almighty led my heart to be strong and to be practical. I saved myself by listing down what I would win and what I would lose if I would leave the marriage - the goods and the bads. After I had the clear visions, I managed to saved myself. I know we both would be 'healthier' as friends.
Financial/always low salary
PLEASE SAVE ME : That someone/something that saved me from my financial concerns was also myself, and an office mate of mine. We shared the same views about how exhausting it is to work 9-5 just to throw your salary for so many bills. We started brainstorming and motivating. We shared the same interests. We listed all of the possible possibilities that we can gain if we leave our comfort zone. We recognized our skills and how we can contribute to others through businesses. For once in my life, The Almighty led my heart to be so confident that things would turn out well. So I formed my own company and currently serving notice to my employer.
Jobs which are not my passion
PLEASE SAVE ME : As this is something related to my financial concern, I am more at ease after resigning. I am happier running and working for my business even though there are not so many projects. I have about a month to go before I become literally jobless and have only my business to survive - but I am happier ! The one who saved me from this situation are the same ones in the second point.
MY MOST IMPORTANTLY : not growing as a pious Muslimah
PLEASE SAVE ME : This is something crucial and critical. I always imagine, what if I suddenly die tomorrow and bring along my sins altogether and face Him in that condition? That always scare me to death. I have yet to find that someone/something that can save me other than Allah S.W.T Himself. Of course, I am trying on my own too. I am trying to save myself too. But I know my capabilities - I am still weak. I need a pillar. I need an environment that can lead me. I need my surrounding to enforced me. As of now, I am saving myself by reading as many Islamic reading materials as possible, and makes personal changes - while waiting to be saved one day.
So, are you ready to be saved ?